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This page will help you find your way around the guide…you can dip into different sections that you’re drawn to or you can simply follow it as it was written, click on welcome and each section will scroll onto the next…doula love x
Come and say hi…x
If you’re reading this pregnant, you might want to take a look at the very first moments your baby is earthside…
Have you heard of the fourth trimester? Come and learn more about it and how it affects you and your baby
The first week with your baby will be a life changing time filled with emotions…
Are you planning to breastfeed? If you are, this is to support you in having a successful breastfeeding journey.
Thinking about bottle feeding, wondering about mixed feeding? Come and learn more about it and the importance of winding your baby…
Sleep…a very important topic to new parents…a look at how babies sleep and why
How can you nourish yourself inside and out at this demanding time?
Looking after yourself is essential as a new mother, here are some simple ways to do this
New motherhood has a huge impact on your relationships, how can you manage this?
You may not have heard of matrescence before but it’s very helpful in understanding what you are going through as you become a new mother.
My son was a sensitive baby and I’ve met many in my doulaing, this section is for Mums to take a look at high needs and sensitive babies, it also discusses baby wearing and holistic therapies.
Mothers are your biggest and most beautiful resource in new motherhood. They are your support network and they understand what you’re going through. Lean on them and learn from them…
Copyright of The Minimalist Doula 2020
The videos and written content contained in this course are intended only for the course participants. Please do not reproduce or redistribute any of the materials.
Disclaimer: This is a guide to support you through your mothering journey. I am not a professional expert or medically trained and my words are simply my opinion built on my experience as a mother and as a doula. Please always be guided by your own feelings and seek further professional support where needed. In using this guide you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for yourself and your baby in response to anything you do in response to this guide. Thank you.