Resources for birth and motherhood


Here are some of my favourite go to links and books...


Our mothers talking podcast is HERE

Me and Natalie Meddings (author of How to Have a Baby and Why Homebirth Matters) have open and honest conversations about pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

I was a guest on the mushmums podcast talking about postnatal emotions, it’s a great episode if you’re a new mum or about to be.

Click here to have a listen

Free downloads

For a free visual birth plan from Milli Hill’s Positive Birth Book

Go to links

For mine and Natalie’s antenatal videos

For positive birth stories

For lots of free birth info all in one place

For evidence based articles

Hospital guidelines

Breastfeeding troubleshooting

Breastfeeding support

La Leche Helpline - 0345 120 2918

ABM helpline - 0300 330 5453

Breastfeeding videos


Mummapod podcast with Kingston head of homebirth Frances Rivers

Breech birth

Birth-ed podcast with Kingston’s new consultant midwife Emma Spillane

If you need to find out what your rights are

Birth trauma healing

 Maternal mental health

My featured guest blogs

I realised it was all my choice (trigger warning: birth trauma)

MUMBOD on the Huffington Post

MUMBOD part 2

Pregnancy and the corona virus

Being a Positive Birth Movement Facilitator

Is Birth Prep Becoming a bumpy ride?

Am I A Selfish Mother?

Get Your Girl Gang On


For a gentle caesarean birth


Birth plan

For when you are waiting for baby...

For induction

For a positive induction story

Useful facebook groups

the positive birth group - for evidence based articles, positive birth stories and community

induction of labour - for support with questions and decision making for induction

Birth Books

For a one stop shop about everything birth

The Positive Birth Book by Milli Hill

For a common sense, down to earth, mother to mother guide to birth with lots of practical ideas

How to Have a Baby by Natalie Meddings

For Home Birth

Why Home Birth Matters by Natalie Meddings

For a debate about medicine vs mother intuition and how to learn to trust yourself

The Heart in the Womb by Dr Amali Lokugamage

For going on an emotional journey to prepare for your birth.  Pam England says that there is one question every woman needs answered to birth with ease...

Birthing From Within by Pam England

For lovely stories and information around water birth

Water Birth, stories to inspire and inform by Milli Hill

For practical ideas on how to manage pain in labour (I also have a one page cheat sheet on this, please email me if you would like it)

Birth Skills by Ju Ju Sundin

For Hypnobirthing

More involved

The Hypnobirthing book by Katherine Graves

More relaxed

The Calm Birth School by Suzy Ashworth

For preparing your mind and body in pregnancy, these meditations and simple yoga poses are lovely

Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful by Gurmukh

For learning about the microbiome

The Microbiome Effect by Toni Harman

For learning about doulas

Why Doulas Matter by Maddie McMahon

For knowing what your options are

Am I Allowed? by Beverley A Lawrence Beech

This book is from AIMS and they also have downloadable e books on lots of topics

The Why It Matters series of books by Pinter and Martin are a wonderful collection of birth and parenthood books helping you get a balanced and evidence based view on lots of topics from home birth to induction, as well as breastfeeding, caesarean birth, postnatal depression and more.


Postnatal books

For understanding your baby's development and knowing when they are fussy it's just a leap...a helpful one page guide is inside so you can see when the next leap is coming.  Basically everything is a growth spurt ;) (There is also an App which some women prefer)

The Wonder Weeks

For looking after yourself after baby, a new mindset and lots of nourishing recipes

The First Forty Days by Heng Ou (I also have a short summarised word doc on this, please email me if you would like it)

For understanding baby's sleep patterns and what's normal

The Gentle Sleep Book by Sarah Ockwell-Smith

For gentle, practical tips to support your baby to sleep better

The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley

For relaxed parenting

Do Not Disturb; The Benefits of Relaxed Parenting for you and your child by Deborah Jackson

For Co Sleeping

Three in a Bed by Deborah Jackson


Most of the books mentioned are in my own personal library so please do ask if you would like to borrow any

Birth Videos

A positive hypnobirth waterbirth homebirth

My recommended local practitioners

Hypnobirthing - Megan at birth-ed course

Breastfeeding support - Anna Page, lactation consultant

Anna also runs a free drop in through the NCT Kingston Facebook page at her home on Wednesdays

And at Ace Osteopaths in Surbiton on Thursdays

Acupuncture for fertility, pregnancy and postnatally - Sam Patel

Placenta encapsulation - Maggie Vaughan

Amanda - Placenta Practice

Cranial Osteopathy - The Osteopathic Centre for Children in Putney

Ace Osteopaths in Surbiton

Women's Health Physio for Mummy MOTs and pelvic floor health - Lisa Few